Legal notices

Last update March 1st, 2023

Owner of the domain and hosting :
Association PALME
Head office :
75 avenue Parmentier
75544 PARIS CEDEX 11
Tel : +33 1 73 01 90 02
SIRET : 414 803 726 00036
APE : 9499Z


Name of the hosting service : OVH
Head office : 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France
Tel : 0 820 698 765
Website created by the PALME association.
This entire site is subject to French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property. All reproduction rights are reserved, including for iconographic and photographic documents.

Access to the website and domains

The “MAGNET” network website is accessible from the following domain :

Any other website using the same name and/or colors does not belong to the owner of this site. We decline any link of membership, partnership, and consequently of responsibilities with other Internet sites presenting similarities not forming part of the domains mentioned above.

Our website will never send emails to its members asking them to provide banking, insurance, social security information, passwords or other confidential information. If such an email has been sent to you, we assume no responsibility for the sending and recommend that you delete the email received as soon as possible. Similarly, we don’t send any prospecting SMS, the only information you may receive by digital means are news, confirmations and reminders regarding access to the network.

If you have any doubt regarding the origin of an email received, we advise you to connect directly to the website ( via your browser, by entering the Internet address (URL) in your toolbar. This will allow you to securely access your account and check its status. You can also contact us at any time via our contact form to ask us any useful question on this subject.

Hypertext links

The website may possibly contain some hypertext links to third-party websites and other external data existing on the Internet. However, the owner can’t be held liable for a third-party website with contentious or inaccurate content you may access via a sharing link on the “MAGNET” network.

Secured connection

Our website is accessible via the secure hypertext transfer protocol (HTTPS), thus benefiting from secure data transport layers according to the Let’s Encrypt certification authority. For that reason, any information that passes through our website benefits from encryption guaranteeing the confidentiality and integrity of each data sent and received.

Personal data

You have limited access to the website if you are not a member.

If you wish to use the entire "MAGNET" network services, we suggest that you read our privacy policy which describes the use and processing of personal data that may be collected as part of your registration on the site.

Recommendations for navigation on the site

To navigate the entire website optimally, we recommend that you use recently updated Internet browsers. We recommend Mozilla Firefox, a free and open-source web browser available on any platform (Windows, Mac OS and Linux distributions) for its compliance with web standards and the privacy of its users.

The website is also optimized for a screen resolution of 1280x800 pixels and higher. Benefiting from a "responsive design" , adaptable to tablets and mobile devices.