IMAGINE Pilot - Commune de Moussy-le-Neuf

Social Land Management model
Project carrying organisation :
Commune de Moussy-le-Neuf (Public)
Moussy-le-Neuf France
Contact :
Benoit D
100 %

Local partnership and roles

Commune de Moussy-Le-Neuf

  • Coordination of the pilot

  • Co-production of the training programme

  • Organisation of theoretical training sessions

  • Participant assessment

  • Post-training follow-up

Pôle emploi

Governmental agency for reintegration
  • Participant identification and recruitment

Chatelain Maraîchage

Private market gardening company
  • Delivery of practical training

Communauté d’Agglomération Roissy Pays de France

PLIE - Local Programme for Employment and Integration - public service for integration
  • Participant identification and recruitment

Geres Restauration

Private catering company
  • Provision to the municipal school canteen of produce grown as part of the training programme

Mission Locale

Association for reintegration
  • Participant recruitment

  • Participant support


Social Economy Association
  • In charge of the integration site
  • Delivery of practical training

Participants recruitement


Pole Emploi, the Local Mission and the Communauté d’agglomération Roissy Pays de France (through the PLIE) independently of each other have people in difficulty referred to them and then refer them the Moussy-le-Neuf integration site if it is judged appropriate. Candidates are required to submit an application to the integration association Equalis, which is in charge of the site.

Candidates are then referred onwards to Equalis, where, during group information meetings or individual interviews, the Moussy integration project is presented in detail and their recruitment to the programme is confirmed or not. Afterwards, the Moussy project manager welcomes the candidates, discusses informally with them their expectations, both in terms of acquired skills and personal development, and shows them the activities of Moussy’s project on the ground.

Conditions for participation
  • Motivation

  • There are no minimum educational qualification requirements

Training Programme

The training

The practical training takes place on the communal lands made available to Equalis and Chatelain Maraichage.

Social workers and instructors with specialist expertise in market gardening from Equalis and Chatelain Maraichage deliver the practical training.

The participants work 26 hours per week and spend one day per week focusing on reintegration (soft-skill training, CV, languages). They also benefit from regular theoretical group training session, focused in particular on technical aspects of market gardening.

On-the-job training is of several types :

  • Maintenance of green spaces and orchards
  • Market gardening
  • Sale or delivery of market gardening products

Processing will be also an option in the future, since the municipality is planning to build a vegetable processing workshop.

Regarding the duration, the training can last three to eight months depending on the pathway followed.

Coaching and assessment

The participants are supervised and followed on a daily basis by the social workers of the Equalis association, in co-operation with staff from the municipality.

Individual progress reviews also take place. This allows individual participants to receive feedback about their progress and to give their points of view on the training.


The IMAGINE offer locally has been co-designed across a local partnership comprising the municipality of Moussy-le-Neuf working in a reciprocal and equal relationship with Pole Emploi, the Mission Locale and the Communauté d’agglomération Roissy Pays de France (through the PLIE) for the purposes of recruitment and with Chatelain Maraichage and Equalis for the training elements of the project.

Meetings take place at the beginning of the training programme with each individual participant where the young people can discuss their expectations, gain an overview of the training possibilities and choose to focus on a type of training.

There are further progress review meetings during which participants are given feedback about their progress and can share their own views on the training and what they want to see improved with a view to being able to better plan their remaining time on the programme and beyond.

Post-training opportunities

The young people are supported beyond their time on the training by all the partners involved.

They could, for instance, find job opportunities in :

  • Sale of products both in markets and in shops
  • Market gardening or green space maintenance activities
  • The catering sector through Geres restauration or other employers.

Funding and expenditure

Expenses are mainly related to
  • Preparation, piloting and management of the project
  • Supervision of young people and managing relations with different partners
  • Administrative and financial management of the project
  • Equipment
  • Creation of an orchard
  • Operating and staff costs
  • Salary costs of participants
Funding sources are
  • European Development Regional Fund
  • Moussy-le-Neuf’s own resources
  • Partners associations’ own resources